“Women is the one who we worship as godess,Is the one who we marry,Is the one who we give birth as a child”.
Without women human evolution would have been next to impossible,they play a very crucial and vital role in each and everyone's life.
BUT,as she grew and as the time passes by, she reaches a certain age (12-13)years and 14 in some exception case's.There start's a major problem or a so called “CURSE” which each and every women,girl,lady or female faces.
The Menstruation :- “a periodic discharge of impure blood which sheds out as a discharge from the female uterus is known as Menstruation”.
India a country which has more than 1.3billion people as it's citizen out of which around 49 % of the total population is women & maximum population here still lives in the rural part's of the nation.
In these rural parts of the nation Menstruation is still treated as dirt,evil, taboo and a curse which they are blessed with and all of them suffer from,During her menstrual cycle she is bounded with several restrictions, which she has to follow every month during her menstrual cycle.
Which are as follows :-
1. She won't enter the holy temple during her cycle.
2.Won't sleep with her husband or kids.
3. Won't enter the kitchen.
4. Won't serve food to the members of the house
5. Won't talk to elderly male members of the household.
6. Won't go outside her house untill or unless her cycle ends .
And many more such bondages are here for a indian women,which are created by our society and by the so cold vice members of the society and this all is very much normal here and women are following these taboo norms since genrations .
Keeping this aside ,There is a much more serious issue which needs to addressed over here,Which the indian women rather ignores, isn't aware about, isn't allowed to use, isn't allowed to use or can't afford it.
The use of sanitary napkin during her cycle.women over here still uses a cotten cloth whe she washes and repeat the use of same cloth again and again throughout her cycle .
This is the worst scenario, according to me because in a country like India where movie's and documentaries like padman and “period the end of scentence ” and they get appraised and applause by national and oscar awards respectively, they were actually made to deliver a strong message to the society and they delivered it too ,but not to the target audience the rural one's ,the poor one's,The one's who don't have television at there place ,the one's who don't have electricity,gas connection and other daily basics necessities.
Keeping all this aside to government too conduct several awareness campaigns,free distribution, advertisement etc.
Several NGO'S are also working in this area .But still women here in India either hesitate using sanitary napkins or are not allowed to, because they don't want there crap, bullshit societal norms to be broken.
This is therefore a huge shame for us as well as for our nation,because we are making the world aware about what women faces in backward under devoleped areas worldwide ,we are teaching teaching them about menstrual hygine and importance of using sanitary pads by our Cinema and are also getting recognized too by oscar award ,But the message for which the movie/documentry was made hadn't reached the target audience yet .So was it only made to get recognized ? Or was made to deliver a strong message to the audience . Question? Still remains .
By,not using sanitary pads women here every day give open invite to several hygienic problems which further turns out to major diseases.
Stating from very basic :- bad odour,fungal infection, reproductive tract infection, urinary infection and even as serious problems as infertility too.
As women are not aware of do's and don't s (having sex during the cycle can also lead to STD like herpes ,HIV, hepetitis b)and many more which could further even lead to death also.
So,WHAT ? Is the solution then?
The solution, for a nation like ours we had to start our work from level zero,from the roots actually which are not nourished enough to carry the burden of the shoot of the plant .We need more super heros like Mr. ARUNANCHALAM MURUGANATHAM the real PADMAN of the nation who made the low cost sanitary pad making machine ,we need our very own steps forward as an initiative, as the youth of a devoleping nation like india we need a movement to fight against our very own people to finish off these myths which are been followed by the women blindfoldedly since age's .Also government also needs to take some major steps for the betterment of the women by starting more and more awareness campaign's,more and more distribution of pads and some serious laws and regulations are needed too. Also free screenings should also be done by the producer's with the help of government in rural and tribal parts of the country.
At last this period is still not the end of scentence because a lot of words are still needed to be written to put a full stop.
FACT:- Still 88% of indian women do not use sanitary pads,SO,is it a end or???