Journalism in India: The wounded pillar of Democracy


People of any country are the one who decides the fortune of their respective country. They are the one who can make or break the country. Being the part of the country they have each and every right to know that what is actually happening in their country. So here comes the part of that person which plays pivotal role in making people aware regarding the happenings in the system of a country and that person is none other than a Journalist. Journalist is the person whose job is to gather information and represent them in the form of news through the news media. In the democratic country like India journalist plays a crucial part, it's their duty to criticize the government as well as to create a link between the government and the locals. Democracy has four pillar that is Legislature, Executive Judiciary and Journalism. Democracy can only stand tall till the all four pillars are working properly. But in case of India it seems like that one of it's pillar is going to be ripped apart soon and that is Journalism. The condition of Indian media is beyond pathetic. The journalists working in various media houses are either biased or unprofessional. According to the World Press Freedom index report 2018 India ranks 138 among 180 countries. This report clearly shows that press freedom is under the control of the political parties of India. Most of the channels belongs to BJP, some belongs to Congress and only few are working professionally and ethically. According to the World Economic Forum Report 2017 Indian media is the second most corrupt media in the world which simply implies that majority of journalists and reporters are paid for supporting the particular political parties. It is becoming quite difficult for the families to watch news with their children as there is less news and more debates over Hindu-Muslims. India is the country with most number of youth and they are regarded as the future of the country but such kind of communal debates creates hatred among the youth of different section which eventually creates communal riots. This kind of journalism is actually affecting the reputation of India on international platform and if will not end up then democracy of India will demolish soon.















